Frequently Asked Questions
You’re thinking about getting LipoLaser, you've probably got a few questions you’d like to have answered. When considering LipoLaser as a possible spot fat removal solution, Patients frequently ask us the following questions.
Is the Laser Treatment safe?
Yes, the laser treatment is 100% non-invasive, with no known side effects and Patients feel nothing.
Who is the ideal candidate?
There is no ‘ideal’ candidate for LipoLaser treatments; it has been shown to be effective on much different body and skin types. However, the best results will be seen by men and women who just cannot seem to get rid of stubborn areas of body fat despite exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. It works synergistically with the body’s natural weight loss mechanisms. It specifically targets troublesome areas to remove inches. It is extremely important to note that as with any fat reduction procedure or process both the short and long term results are drastically improved if the treatment is done in conjunction with an overall diet and exercise program. It is strongly recommended that each patient is evaluated based on body type and lifestyle so that reasonable expectations may be set for LipoLaser results.
How Many laser treatments do I need for each spot?
Typically people do 9 visits depending on how many inches they want to lose off their body.
How Quickly Will I See Results?
Many Patients notice results after the first one or two treatments. However, a standard treatment protocol consists of to three 30 minute treatment sessions every week for three to eight weeks. Best results are achieved when utilizing the whole body vibration equipment for 10 minutes immediately after the treatment. Patients can expect to see 40 to 60 grams off at released after each treatment. Maintenance treatments can be performed at less frequent intervals once desired results are achieved.
How Many Inches Can I Expect To Lose?
3 to 7 inches AVERAGE – the most lost in 9 sessions is 18 inches. People, who make minor lifestyle changes, are on the higher end of the average, and those who don’t the lower end. The best results were received from patients who also participated in a healthy diet and exercise. We have support if you choose to change your life while doing the sessions
Is there anybody who shouldn’t have LipoLaser treatments?
- Patients under the age of 18
- Women who are pregnant or breast feeding
- Patients with any of the following conditions should be evaluated by a physician prior to beginning treatments:
- Anorexia, bulimia or other suspected eating or body dysmorphic disorders
- Uncontrolled diabetes
- Uncontrolled seizure disorder
- Open wounds or rashes in treatment areas
What was the Laser designed to do?
The laser treatment was designed to specifically address spot fat reduction or inch loss and body contouring. It is administered in relaxing 30-minute treatments. There is no surgery or pain or extensive recovery time.
How Does The Laser Treatment Work
The laser energy safely penetrates the skin targeting the fat cells (Subcutaneous layer). Once the cells are permeated, they release fatty acids, water and glycerol, or triglycerides. The triglycerides are released from the fat cells and the body uses them as an energy source. The fat cells then “shrink” significantly resulting in inch loss and the removal of cellulite.
What is the Vibration Platform?
The vibration platform causes increased local circulation to targeted areas, in turn giving the visible cellulite area a “smoother” look. The vibration platform works from the inside out. Waste products are expelled at the cellular, lymphatic and excretion level. The vibration platform stimulates all cells in the body, increases blood flow and oxygen intake and stimulates metabolism to help flush out toxins.
What to Expect During a Treatment
Patients relax in a comfortable position while a license specialist applies and secures four multi-laser treatment paddles and two smaller laser attachments to the target areas for 10 minute intervals. During the treatment Patients are free to relax, read, listen to music, talk on the phone, etc… At the conclusion of the laser treatment the client will typically spend 10 minutes on a vibration platform for exercise and lymphatic drainage.
What Happens After a Treatment?
You are free to resume normal activities immediately after each session—including exercise. Remember: the laser treatment is safe, non-invasive and you will experience no pain or side effects.
It is important to engage in regular exercise and drink plenty of water following your treatment to ensure the maximum results.
Does the Low Level Laser Therapy (laser treatment) emit heat?
No. the treatment uses a cold laser technology that emits no heat, sound or vibrations.
What happens as the laser hits the fatty tissue?
The laser disrupts the external membrane of the fat cell, inducing lipolysis.
What is released during treatment?
Water, Glycerol, and Free Fatty Acids.
Where do the Free Fatty Acids go?
Once the free fatty acids leave the cell and enter the interstitial space, it is then absorbed by the lymphatic system. Additionally, when combined with oxygen, Free Fatty Acids produce energy.
Where does Glycerol go?
Glycerol diffuses widely and rapidly throughout the total body water, passes through the blood stream and appears in the urine. Additionally, glycerol is converted by the liver into a useful energy source—Glucose.
Are there any harmful side effects or contraindications?
The LipoLaser treatment is non-invasive with no harmful side effects. The contraindications are pregnancy, epilepsy, cancer and patients with pacemakers.
What are the benefits of laser treatment?
Non-surgical, non-invasive, safe, natural, pain-free, no downtime, no side effects, reduce or eliminate cellulite, lose inches, reduce fat, spot reduces areas that exercise and diet can’t.
How can I learn more?
For free information and to find out if the laser treatment is the right thing for you. Call 585-455-4508 to speak to one of our laser specialists.
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